in 1873 , imperial prince fushimi sadanaru entered the army cadet school . 明治6年(1873年) 陸軍幼年学校入学
we were truly swaggering because we were the uppermost grader in the army cadet school and not disfavored and not under pressure . 幼年学校の最上級生だからにらまれることも圧迫を受けることも無いので実に威張ったものであった。
since then , he consistently proceeded the career as a military man , and held the post of military officer to togu (the crown prince ) at as well as the posts of company commander of the 36th infantry regiment and the president of nagoya army cadet school . 以後軍人の道を歩み、東宮武官、歩兵第36連隊中隊・名古屋陸軍幼年学校を歴任する。
masao iwakura , a younger brother of kumeo and a student in the army cadet school at the time , described as below in the chapter of ' the main character of yadorigi ' in his ' memoirs ,' privately published in later years . 久米雄の弟岩倉正雄は当時陸軍幼年学校在学中であったが、後年私刊した「思い出の記」の中の「寄生木の主人公」の章に次のように記述している。
the private school established branch schools in each town under the prefectures , which were the gun army school that kunimoto shinohata supervised , the bombardment army that shinpachi murata supervised , and the army cadet school (shoten school ) that murata supervised . 私学校は篠原国幹が監督する銃隊学校、村田新八が監督する砲隊学校、村田が監督を兼任した幼年学校(章典学校)があり、県下の各郷ごとに分校が設けられた。
even in the case of the army cadet school or the naval academy which teenage boys entered (the former at thirteen years old , and the latter at seventeen years old ), once a boy entered them , the staff directed him to send back all his personal belongings including undergarments to his home in order to exclude " yearning for the outside world " , and provided the new student with white ecchu fundoshi as undergarments . 十代の少年が入校する陸軍幼年学校(13歳)や海軍兵学校 (17歳)でさえ、入校したら、「娑婆っ気」を排斥する目的で、下着を含めて一切の私物は自宅に送り返すように指導し、入校者に下着として白い越中褌を支給した。